Student Improvement Showcase
Whether your children need to be stretched, are struggling, or are somewhere in between, our committed team of teachers will help move them forward. If our school were a sporting team we’d celebrate Most Improved with particular excitement.

Francois Wessels
"Thanks to the support of my teachers, I have changed my attitude to learning. Before I used to loath study, tests and school work in general. Now I look forward to learning new subjects and broadening my view of the world. I will continue to stretch myself and see what’s possible."
"We have been excited to witness the positive change in Francois’s attitude to his school work. With time, we are confident his grades will also improve."
Eugene & Lucy Wessels

Kaitlin White
"Before, I didn’t try very hard at school. I just cruised along, keeping out of trouble and avoiding doing work wherever possible. But I have changed. The ACC teachers inspire and encourage us to work harder, try harder, do better. I enjoy learning now and try to submit assessments before they are due."
"Kaitlin’s academic performance has come along in leaps and bounds. We are very proud of her hard work and dedication to her studies."
Kristy Sinclair

Jarrod Reitze
"When I came to ACC in Year 7 I was receiving low Cs for Maths. I was able to mentally calculate answers in my mind, but I struggled to demonstrate calculations on paper. With support from my Maths teachers here, I have overcome this challenge and now receive mostly As with an occasional B."
"Jarrod’s steady and persistent improvement in Maths over the past few years has been extraordinary. We are grateful for the dedicated and caring teachers at ACC."
Robert & Rebecca Reitze

Beau Lear
"I came to Australian Christian College from another school in Albany. I had been struggling there and not caring about my education. When I arrived here, the teachers felt I had been ‘unachieving’ and saw great potential in me. With their support, I have improved my writing skills to a point where I am completing the ATAR English course successfully."
"The teachers are supportive and encouraging in all aspects of Beau’s educational journey which has prepared him for doing ATAR subjects which we never thought would happen."
Mary Lear

Riley Claire
"I moved to ACC for the start of high school and had difficulty reading and doing my class work generally. After completing some tests the teachers realised I had dyslexia. They placed me on a personalised plan to adjust learning to my particular style. I moved up 8 reading levels over a 12 week period as a result."
"Wow! Australian Christian College has been a breath of fresh air! Riley has improved dramatically in a short space of time and continues to flourish."
Kyle Sproxton & Alicia Savage

Sam Bryan
"When I started here, I was an average student with ‘working memory issues’ and had lost all my confidence. My teachers focused on helping me learn vital concepts and the skills I was missing. I am now achieving above average grades in most of my subjects."
"After watching Sam struggle with school for many years we are delighted with the improvement he has made since being at ACC. His grades are above average for the first time."
Shane & Lisa Bryan

Ella Sephton
Ella felt so much anxiety when she started school that she would often not even sit with her class. She was very shy entering social contexts when a group of people were present. With encouragement and perseverance from her teacher, Ella has blossomed into a confident young learner. She even volunteered to be a speaker at school assembly!
"We couldn’t be happier with the growth in confidence Ella has gained since starting school at ACC. She has come out of her shell and is loving school."
Andrew & Kelly Sephton

Alexander James
Alex came to ACC from another school with a reading level of 3. He was 8 years old and had low confidence and could barely write a sentence. By the end of the year he was reading at a Level 11 and had developed a great attitude to writing and learning.
"We are over the moon with Alex’s reading and writing progress since attending ACC. His confidence as a student has grown and he now loves school."
David & Shonna James

Judah Pitman
Due to the intensive MiniLit program that ACC runs in the Primary Years, Judah was testing at a Year 3 level by the end of PrePrimary for reading. He is a focused student who loves school (including doing his homework!) and has established a solid foundation from which to excel as he matures.
"As Judah’s parents we were surprised at how quickly Judah progressed during PrePrimary. He was so excited when he could read The Jesus Storybook Bible all by himself during our Christmas advent."
Daniel & Bronwyn Pitman