Secondary School
The start of high school can be a daunting time for young people. They’re learning the routines of secondary education while connecting with new students and teachers.
The first few days are bound to bring some adjustment challenges, however it's important that your child finds their feet quickly.
Recognising this adjustment period, we have intentionally structured the early stages of Secondary School to create community among the students and bonding opportunities, including orientation week, a camp and a tech-ready day.
Hear from some of our Year 7 students
Well Known, Safe and Valued
From the first day of high school, each Year 7 student is closely supported by a member of our welfare team. Students meet in small groups three times a week to make sure each of them are known and valued, organised and meeting our academic requirements.
We help our students develop respectful relationships and foster a culture where each child feels valued. Our research-backed wellbeing programs teach and model highly practical strategies that help students navigate and thrive during their teenage years.
Learning is Our Focus
When students are well known, safe and supported, quality learning takes place. At ACC Singleton, we have a clear plan for your child’s learning success. Our plan is backed by research that outlines how students learn and what sort of teaching gets results.
During a tour of our Secondary School classrooms you will see consistency of teaching strategies, well managed lessons and highly engaged students.
Our communication with parents is both timely and transparent. We let parents know about student learning success and if there are any blocks to learning. This means you are well-informed about your child’s progress and performance.

Subject Choice and CoCurricular Opportunities
We love that our Secondary School is smaller than most. It allows us to know each child and make sure they are learning. Our subject offers are surprisingly broad.
Years 7 to 10 Subjects
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Wellbeing
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Timber
- Metals
- Electronics
- Robotics
- Mosaics
- Extension Mathematics
- Mandatory Technology (includes Food Technology)
Years 11 & 12 Subjects
We have the flexibility to survey Year 10 students and shape our HSC subject offer to suit students’ interests and aspirations. Below is an example of our current offerings.
- English Standard
- English Advanced
- Mathematics Standard
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics Extension
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Modern History
- Legal Studies
- Business Studies
- Studies of Religion
- Community and Family Studies
- Visual Arts
- Design and Technology
- Information Software Technology
- Trade Training Centre
- VET Electrotechnology
- VET Hospitality
- VET Primary Industries
CoCurricular Opportunities
- Representative sports pathway to NSW and National level
- A range of sporting gala days locally and throughout Newcastle and the Hunter
- A range of cultural opportunities with other schools, such as eisteddfods, debating, chess, etc.
Our School is always growing and improving - here are some facilities you may be interested in.
- Brand new Futsal and multi-sport surface
- Trade Training Centre specialising in Electronics, Robotics and Electrotechnology
- Brand new hospitality room
- Renovated classrooms
- A number of grassed sporting fields

Great Teachers Always Getting Better
Our school leadership is dedicated to employing teachers who enjoy being with children and who delight in helping students thrive in all aspects of their lives.
We expect our teachers to deliver high-quality lessons that engage students and drive learning. Our teachers receive specific and direct feedback that promotes immediate and ongoing teacher improvement.
Authentic, Supportive Relationships
Authentic, supportive relationships are at the heart of the way we work. As such, we have high expectations of our students. We expect them to relate positively with others.
We help each student develop respectful relationships with their teachers and peers by modelling healthy communication, setting clear boundaries, and teaching positive behaviours.