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Pursue Your Passion
and a Quality Education

with ACC Southlands' PP-12
Distance Education Program

Request Guide

You're destined for bigger things on the stage. Yet you're caught in a constant race between intense training and schoolwork, feeling overwhelmed. You need a flexible education solution that can accommodate your demanding training and performance schedule.

Your demanding pursuits often clash with the regular school system and its strict schedules, putting pressure on your passion to perform. Your dreams hang in the balance. You might be wondering if there's a way for you to excel in both academics and your passion without having to compromise.

Enter ACC Southlands' PP-12 Distance Education, a perfect ally for ambitious performers like you*. We transform the world into a classroom, allowing you to learn from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection to access your lessons 24/7.

Learn from anywhere

Learn From Anywhere

24/7 Lesson Access

24/7 Lesson Access

Experienced Online Teachers

Experienced Online Teachers

Current Response Time Less Than 10 Minutes

Current Response Less Than 10 Min.

WACE Online Provides Tertiary Pathways

WACE Online (ATAR & General)

21 WACE Subjects Available

21 WACE Subjects Available

Our flexible education model fits seamlessly into your training and performance routines, rather than disrupting them. You can dive into your studies post-training, keeping your mind as agile as your body. Our experienced teachers are champions in online education.

The benefits don't stop there. You can complete your WACE online (both ATAR and General pathways) while pursuing your dreams. You don't have to choose between your passion and your education - you can excel in both with ACC Southlands.

Ready to redefine the rules of school and achieve greatness in every endeavour? If you’re keen, have a chat about distance education with your parents and ask them to contact us for more information.

* Conditions apply to all enrolments.


The Definitive Guide to Distance Education

Download this FREE comprehensive digital guide today!

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